2015年12月25日,著名植物学期刊《Journal of Experimental Botany》在线发表中国农业科学院水稻研究所曾大力、钱前研究员带领的水稻功能基因组学创新团队的一篇研究论文,研究人员在叶片早衰机制研究上取得新进展。杨窑龙博士和徐杰博士为共同第一作者,曾大力研究员与钱前研究员为论文共同通讯作者。
研究人员借助图位克隆手段分离了水稻淡绿叶控制基因PGL,该基因编码水稻叶绿素a加氧酶,是叶绿素b形成过程中的关键基因,该基因的功能缺失会导致水稻叶片黄化、后期早衰加剧,进而影响水稻产量和品质。突变体pgl 还表现对高温的敏感,以及低光强下的活性氧清除系统受损,而致使水稻叶片表现早衰。利用该基因信息,通过对不同品种PGL等位基因变异的筛选和比较,将为探索抗早衰水稻新品种培育提供新思路。
日期:2016-01-03 来源:生物帮 网址:http://www.bio1000.com/gnjz/botany/505325.html
PGL, encoding chlorophyllide a oxygenase 1, impacts leaf senescence and indirectly affects grain yield and quality in rICE
Chlorophyll (Chl) b is a ubiquitous accessory pigment in land plants, green algae, and prochlorophytes. This pigment is synthesized from Chl a by chlorophyllide a oxygenase and plays a key role in adaptation to various environments. This study characterizes a rice mutant, pale green leaf (pgl), and isolates the gene PGL by using a map-based cloning approach. PGL, encoding chlorophyllide a oxygenase 1, is mainly expressed in the chlorenchyma and activated in the light-dependent Chl synthesis process. Compared with wild-type plants, pgl exhibits a lower Chl content with a reduced and disorderly thylakoid ultrastructure, which decreases the photosynthesis rate and results in reduced grain yield and quality. In addition, pgl exhibits premature senescence in both natural and dark-induced conditions and more severe Chl degradation and reactive oxygen species accumulation than does the wild-type. Moreover, pgl is sensitive to heat stress.
doi: 10.1093/jxb/erv529
日期:2016-01-03 来源:生物帮 网址:http://www.bio1000.com/gnjz/botany/505325.html